Parenting Tips for Toddlers | Lessons I’ve Learned the Hard Way

Parenting Tips for Toddlers | Lessons I’ve Learned the Hard Way
You learn so much when you become a parent. Sometimes you get things right the first time but more often you learn by getting it wrong. And I have got so much wrong. In this… View Post

Today You Started Preschool

Today You Started Preschool
Dear Kyla-Smiler, Today you started preschool. I keep swallowing the lump in my throat. I need to be brave because you were. Perhaps I’m just a silly, sleep-deprived, stay-at-home mama but it was a lot… View Post

What Does Sleep Deprivation Actually do to You?

What Does Sleep Deprivation Actually do to You?
I suffered an awful migraine last night. It’s no surprise. I’ve had so little sleep lately and have been eating terribly. For a couple of years, I have been migraine-free but I think my body… View Post

Navigating the Loneliness of Motherhood

Navigating the Loneliness of Motherhood
I’m so lonely. Why is that so hard to write? So hard to say out loud? It is as if admitting it to myself makes me somehow less likeable. When did I start to feel… View Post

Does Sleep Training Make a Difference?

Does Sleep Training Make a Difference?
Dear sleep thieves, I have recently been questioning the effectiveness of sleep training. Frankly, there has not been enough undisturbed sleep in our house of late. I am increasingly sleep-deprived as the days wear on… View Post