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    Books We’re Reading this Week #4
  • Books We’re Reading this Week #3

    Books We’re Reading this Week #3
  • A Simple Guide to Hosting a Children’s Bookclub

    A Simple Guide to Hosting a Children’s Bookclub
  • Books We’re Reading this Week #2

    Books We’re Reading this Week #2

Books We’re Reading this Week #4

Books We’re Reading this Week #4
No matter how full our family schedule is, we always prioritise reading. View Post

Books We’re Reading this Week #3

Books We’re Reading this Week #3
We’re about to embark on school holidays here in Sydney. I’ve made sure there is plenty of reading material scattered in baskets and on bedside tables in anticipation of the inevitable, “I’m bored….”. Below are… View Post

A Simple Guide to Hosting a Children’s Bookclub

A Simple Guide to Hosting a Children’s Bookclub
If you have a little bookworm in your house or if you want to encourage your child(ren) to read more, I highly recommend starting a children's bookclub. There is very little prep involved and the payback is huge in terms of reading engagement. View Post

Books We’re Reading this Week #2

Books We’re Reading this Week #2
There is a dog theme running through my post this week with three out of four of us reading dog books. We’ve had a wave of sickness in our household recently. It made me appreciate… View Post

Books We’re Reading this Week #1

Books We’re Reading this Week #1
I tend to run a tight ship when it comes to tidiness in our house. However, there is one exception. Books. There are baskets and piles of books in almost every room of the house.… View Post