5 Simple Ways to Teach Your Children About Social Justice Issues

5 Simple Ways to Teach Your Children About Social Justice Issues
Our family is incredibly privileged to live in a beautiful part of the world. We have the ocean on our doorstep, national park and water surrounding us and we want for nothing. While this is… View Post

Why I’m Decluttering

Why I’m Decluttering
Dear daughters, Since the start of the year I have been doing a bit of decluttering. I am hoping to bring more simplicity into our lives. You may have noticed some of your toys disappear.… View Post

Simple Ways to Change the World

Simple Ways to Change the World
Dear world changer, Yes, you – the overworked mama who is stretched to the max. I know, I know, you could use more hours in the day and keeping your family afloat is where it’s… View Post

Dealing with Tantrums

Dealing with Tantrums
To my emotional toddler, You have the most beautiful heart and gentle nature. You console your sisters when they are upset and your willingness to share is beyond what one would expect from someone your… View Post

Why We Turned Off the TV

Why We Turned Off the TV
Dear Scarlett, I suspect you will ask me one day why I was so determined to limit screen time in your early years. You probably recall a time when I would hand you the remote… View Post