Do you keep hitting the same walls when it comes to key areas of family life? Perhaps you can do with some encouragement from the experts when it comes to discipline, routines, sleep or schedules.
Here is a selection of parenting books that have had a dramatic impact on the way I see my role as a parent:

Parent Effectiveness Training, Dr Thomas Gordon
A guide to effectively resolving family conflicts. This book totally changed how I talk to my children and how we deal with issues when they arise.
How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk, Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
A timeless guide for parents who would like to communicate more effectively with their children. I love this book for its relatable and accessible approach to family relationships.
10 Things Every Parent Needs to Know, Dr Justin Coulson
Grounded in positive psychology, this parenting book gives simple and effective strategies for everyday issues faced by parents of children 2-12 years old. Justin has so many great resources for parents and this one was a wonderful encouragement on my parenting journey.
Simpicity Parenting, Kim John Payne
A guide to slowing the pace of family life to allow children to flourish. This parenting book awakened a sense of the beauty of childhood in me. After reading this, I started a journey to declutter our home. I also reduced scheduled activities to allow more time for free play and let my children just be kids. And the diffrence is remarkable!
Simple Happy Parenting, Denaye Barahona Ph.D
Denaye has written a step-by-step guide on how to simplify family life and find joy in spending time together. I’ve listened to her podcast for a couple of years and really value her wisdom when it comes to reclaiming joy in parenting. An honest, witty and enjoyable read with advice that is practical and doable.
Raising Girls/Raising boys, Steve Biddulph
I must admit I have only read the girl version of these books as Raising Boys has very little relevance in my parenting life (as a mum of three girls!). This is a practical book full of wisdom and helpful advice. It is a particularly good read for dads of girls and vice versa as it gives insight that might not be obvious to a parent of the opposite gender.
Raising Your Spirited Child, Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
For anyone, like myself, who is blessed with a strong-willed and determined child, this book is a must-read. From the first page, I felt like it was written about my own child. The author’s knowledge and advice is steeped in many years of experience helping families with “spirited” children. A refreshing approach to managing testing behaviour and conflict.
Further reading on the blog:
Parenting books I’ve loved
Parenting tips for toddlers – lessons I’ve learned the hard way