Dear Kyla-Smiler,
Today you started preschool. I keep swallowing the lump in my throat. I need to be brave because you were.

Perhaps I’m just a silly, sleep-deprived, stay-at-home mama but it was a lot harder to let you go than I thought it might be.
As you walked through the gates it was as if you were strutting. Or maybe it was your backpack weighing heavily on your back, causing you to hobble. Either way, you didn’t hesitate, even for a second.
It helps that your big sister was by your side, holding your hand, promising to watch out for you all day. She was delighted to have you there with her. I thought she might be territorial but it was quite the opposite. You girls are constantly surprising me.
I shouldn’t feel surprised at your confidence. You were ready to head off and gain some independence. It just happened so quickly I didn’t have time to get used to the idea. I wasn’t ready. One day you were my baby and the next day you were asking if you could go to preschool.
We agreed one day a week to get you used to the hours away from home. But you have come home asking if you could go “all the days with Scarlett”.
“Really? Are you sure? All three days?” I ask doubtfully.
“Yes.” There is that determination again.

So now I will just have baby Thea at home for three days a week. It will be lovely to have some headspace but I’m just not sure I’m ready. When I think about it I have to force that pesky lump down again and I suddenly start to blink rather furiously.

I am so pleased you feel confident enough to fly the coup, knowing you always have a safe base to return home to. And if you change your mind, I’m okay with you being my baby for a while longer. There are plenty of years for you still to stretch your wings.
The nest is still warm and cosy for you yet.