To my precious daughters,
One day you will leave me and venture to find yourselves – to create a life of your own – and if you go in the confidence of knowing you are treasured, wanted and cherished, you will go far.

Each day I aim to show you how valued you are. I get it wrong; you push me to the limits of myself; sometimes I yell or moan about insignificant things. Then there are moments when I catch myself bubbling over with the intensity of my love for you and I want to stop time. Because you are growing up too quickly for me to take it all in.
It’s the great parenting paradox: love you too much to articulate while simultaneously pushing me to the point of anger I didn’t know I possessed, until I had children.
I never intended on having three children. In truth, there was a stage in my adult life when I was so content I wasn’t sure I wanted to interrupt my blissful independence with dependents. Your father and I travelled the world on a whim, went out for dinner a few times a week and I used to read. Yes, actual adult books – not just the picture ones.
And yet, as each one of you has come along, my capacity to love has enlarged, my selfish needs seemingly less important. I’m still me, I am just made better by your presence in my world.

For so long I have questioned what I should be doing with my life, feeling like I have never quite got there; never lived up to my true potential. But now I know all paths have led me here, to you. Being your mother takes all of me – mind, body, spirit – and I have to tap into resources I didn’t know I possessed. Nothing has ever stretched me like this. Nothing has ever been as satisfying. Watching you become people in your own right, knowing I have had some part to play, is a privilege and a joy.
When you are asked the inevitable questions of seeming worth – What do you do? Where are you from? What school did you go to? What do you want to do? – I hope you will have a deep-rooted confidence in your heart which reassures you these things are really of little significance. Because what truly matters is that you are loved. Always and forever.
Really enjoyed this, Rox. We have 3 girls too. Youngest is 7 months and oldest is 4 years. Life is crazy but beautiful and I wouldn’t have it any other way. So blessed.
Sounds like you have the same beautiful chaos as us. Some days I wonder if life ever gets easier but I’m told it does. Time will tell! x
Yay! Love it Rox!