Home. Is it where the heart is? Is it a place? A feeling? A sense of belonging? If you’re a regular visitor to this blog, you will know we relocated from the UK to Australia… View Post
Dear daughters, My greatest fear is that I will look back on this time in our lives and wish I had done it differently. The times I fail to show love or anger too quickly… View Post
There is a huge climbing web in a playground near our house. I recently watched my girls navigate their way up, down and along the ropes, taking risks to work their way to the top.… View Post
The year is 28 BC (i.e. I am 28 years old and it’s “before children”). My husband and I have booked a week off work and we’re paging the Lonely Planet magazine, feeling overwhelmed by… View Post
To my precious girls, Yesterday, I took a moment to marvel at the three of you as you splashed around in our tiny, makeshift bathtub. It is a rare moment when I switch off to… View Post