My Grandmother had the best sense of humour. She died three years ago and I still think of her most days. This letter is one of my favourites. As well as making me laugh out loud, it also depicts the wonderful relationship my grandparents had.

Dear Roxanne, Ian and Dante
At last, Grandpa decided today is the day to replace the toilet seat. Before he started I said that in my DIY book under “Toilet Seats” it stated if the seat had been on a long time, to put oil over the bolts for a few days before trying to loosen them. I am told he knows what he is doing, so I back off to the back lounge.
I can hear him grunting with exertion as the spanner will not move the bolts (it had been on for about 30 years). Off he goes out to the garage and returns holding a large hammer. I now light a cigarette.
I hear one bang, two bangs then a loud CRASHING SOUND. I run to the bathroom. There is Grandpa kneeling on the floor with the toilet broken down the middle, holding half in each hand in case it falls and breaks the tiles. And believe it or not, the toilet seat is still on!!!
Granny takes over, phones the plumber and three hours later we have a new toilet plus NEW SEAT installed.
Grandpa is still a star at fixing things, just not toilet seats.
Lots of love,
Granny, Grandpa and Libby*

*Libby was one of my Granny’s beloved rescue dogs
Love this letter and story Rox 🙂 Sums up the relationship between my Mom and Stepdad that he was Mr Fixit but also made mistakes which my Mom would always forgive as they were devoted to eachother 🙂
Miss their antics terribly!