Dear mums,
I was all set to sit down and write a post about how you can alleviate poverty by involving your children. All three kids are having a daytime nap at the same time (woop!) and I have about ten minutes to post about how you can change the world.
Instead, I’m going to be real here. I am having a miserable day. The kids are sick….again. I haven’t had a moment to myself in weeks. Weeks! For a while, I was so diligent about waking up before the kids to have my time of solitude. However, the baby is in a habit of now waking at 5.30am (after being in our bed most nights) and I literally can’t find a moment – day or night – to scrape some time to myself. I feel hysterical.

I am at the point where I don’t actually want to see anyone. I don’t want to hear “I’m hungry” or “Can you wipe my bum?” and I have no sympathy left in me if anyone cries or whines. I’m spent.
As the weekend looms, all I can think about is all the chores and shopping trips that need to be done. I can’t see how to carve out a few hours to myself amidst it all. I just need a break.
I’m not writing this to simply have a vent or a moan. I want this blog to reflect a motherhood which is real. And it doesn’t get much more real than days like today.
Perhaps there are some other mums out there who just feel a bit jaded today. I hear you. I feel you. Because some days you win and some days you don’t. Today I am just not winning.

But from tomorrow I am taking back my “me time” because without it I forget who I am. And that is unhelpful for everyone. My morning quiet time is like my endurance training for the race day ahead. If I don’t train, I am unfit for the challenges that are in store for me each and every day.
Because there is a family who needs me to be at my strongest and fittest and right now I am not any of those things. I’m existing on tea and chocolate and disturbed sleep. And there ain’t gonna be any winning on that sort of regime.
SO…tomorrow can and will be better. Get up. Dust off. Carry on.
Tomorrow I’m going for gold.
Tired Mum Rox